Ingest of the monitored input streams is now available in the latest release of JMultiViewer

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The latest release of JMultiViewer offers another great feature – ingest of the monitored input streams prior decoding. The user can now capture the UDP and RTP input streams and store them locally. This way the user can save the monitored streams in file/files in order to further examine them for issues afterwards.

Apart from the integrated audio, video and signal quality multiview monitoring functionality, our JMultiViewer now offers ingest of the monitored input IP streams without transcoding. The user can take advantage of captured streams to perform further quality control checks as well as to use them as proof of the detected errors. Another useful application of the new ingest feature is storing the captured streams for archival purposes. The captured streams can also be used for manual or automated preview and analysis with JMediaQC. Our automated system for quality control, verification and validation of media files can provide further insights on the captured streams.

JMiltiViewer provides ingest of the monitored input streams for later review, decoding & preview on screen and monitoring & logging of video, audio and network errors.

JMultiViewer provides ingest of the monitored input streams for later review, decoding & preview on screen and monitoring & logging of video, audio and network errors.

As you know JMultiViewer is our intelligent solution for mosaic preview and monitoring of live network and file-based inputs. The solution also offers instant error detection and reporting. JMultiViewer performs real-time monitoring for black frames and freeze frames, audio noise and audio silence, signal loss and restore events. Upon detecting error in the monitored streams the solution creates a comprehensive error log and, if activated, sends an automatic e-mail notification with predefined message and destination. And here comes the new complementing ingest feature. It will allow the user to further inspect and analyze the detected issues in the monitored input streams.

The ingesting process can capture the continuous input stream “as is”. It also gives the user the ability to choose which of the monitored streams to be captured. The user can also configure the ingest and choose how and where the captured streams to be stored. The new feature allows the user to split the input streams into files with specific file size or files with specific duration. In addition the user can manually switch on and off  the ingest of the monitored streams on-the-fly.

Instant detection and identification of media content issues have always been essential for broadcast industry. With the latest release of JMultiViewer and the integration with the JMediaQC this task is becoming less stressful and time-consuming.

Coming soon: More great features are already in development.

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