Multi-layer, multi-format and multiple outputs from a single source now available in both JIPEncoder and JCapture

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Producing multiple outputs from a single input stream or file is now possible. Our encoding solutions JCapture and JIPEncoder now support multiple outputs created out of the same input or inputs within the same encoding process. This way  JCapture and JIPEncoder can produce several different outputs  with different resolutions and formats simultaneously. All the outputs originate from the same input/inputs which keeps your workflow simple and streamlined.

The latest release of JCapture can ingest and encode a stream (live input) to a full-resolution file while creating a proxy file or files. And the new JIPEncoder can stream multiple live audio/video outputs and even stream file playlists. Both JCapture and JIPEncoder can be installed on-premise or on a cloud based server.

Multi-Layer encoding now added - for producing multiple outputs from a single input stream or file.

Multi-Layer encoding now added – for producing multiple outputs from a single input stream or file.

Multi-Layer, Multi-Channel Streaming

The latest release of JIPEncoder offers the ability of streaming simultaneously multiple media output sources from a single software encoder. The JIPEncoder now enables Live and File workflows in a single platform and delivers content to multiple screens – TV sets, mobile and connected devices.

JIPEncoder can perform multiple encodings having a single source. The solution can simultaneously produce streams with different audio and video compressions, multiplex parameters and output streaming protocols and bitrates.

Audio and video preprocessing enables JIPEncoder to output different layers with different video resolutions and audio sample rate. In terms of HLS and MPEG-DASH, the new functionality provides a multi-layer HLS and MPEG-DASH encoding.

Another great application of the new functionality is providing multi-resolution simultaneous outputs, such as 1080p, 720p or SD from a single source of any kind.

Multi-Format, Multi-Channel Capture

The latest release of JCapture allows you to output multiple files from a single input and with a single instance of the product.

JCapture has now the ability not only to produce multiple outputs with different audio and video compressions, but also to produce media files with different containers from a single source. This new feature enables JCapture to perform main stream capture and in addition to capture one or multiple proxy files with lower resolution and bit rates.

You can use JCapture to transcode your original media into the desired media format and to create proxy files at the same time. The proxy files are smaller files with a lower data rate than the original file. So they can be used for fast preview and remote access.  They are preferred when the network bandwidth doesn’t allow for fast and easy manipulation of the original high bit rate media. Or in case you need to review and manipulate the media on systems with lower system resources.

The implementation of the multi-channel encoding in JCapture and JIPEncoder broadens the application field while significantly increasing the cost effectiveness of our solutions. This new feature elevates our products to a next level, opening new market opportunities.

Coming soon: More great features are already in development.

Stay tuned for our future updates and new releases.

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