Timeline and Image Sequence Available in JGraphics

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JGraphics is now powered with Timeline and Image Sequence features allowing more complex graphical presets.

JGraphics is now powered with Timeline and Image Sequence features allowing more complex graphical presets.

The new release of JGraphics brings two major new features – Timeline and Image Sequence. The solution has implemented timeline for each graphical element. This new feature allows display offsetting or hide offsetting of each element with pre-defined time. Along with the delay, each element can now be assigned different effect on show or hide. The available effects to choose from are:

  • Fade
  • From Left
  • From Right
  • From Bottom
  • From Top
  • Squeeze

Each effect, either on show or hide, can also be configured to have different duration.

One of the most common graphics elements – Image Sequence has also been updated. The element is now built of two image sequences – ‘Image sequence on show’ and ‘Image sequence on hide’. The ‘Image sequence on show’ is displayed on graphics element show and the ‘Image sequence on hide’ is displayed on element hide. The image sequence has also been extended with a Loop property. This allows the image sequence to be looped endlessly, to be shown only once and to be frozen on the last frame or to be shown once and then hidden.

Both Timeline and Image Sequence extensions enable JGraphics for building more complex graphical presets. These features can further be used in manual or automated mode. The Timeline and Image Sequence features are available in JPlayout, JGraphics, JCapture or JIPEncoder.

Coming soon: More great features are already in development.

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