We are proud to announce that we now offer native automatic redundancy support. This new feature is available both for our main playout solution – JPlayout, and for our IP encoding solution – JIPEncoder. Since the redundancy support is natively implemented in both solutions, it comes without any additional costs.
The new feature covers failovers from power outages, network issues, corrupted media content and other operating system issues, which might occur during the playout or encoding processes.
The new redundancy support now offers two modes for monitoring and live switching of servers in case of failure – 1+1 and 1+N. These options are available for both JPlayout and JIPEncoder solutions.
In the single 1+1 mode a main playout or IP encoder solution is monitored by another backup playout or encoder solution – the backup server. If the main server stops for whatever reason, the redundancy is triggered and the backup server automatically continues the playout or encoding process. The playout backup server intelligently loads and plays from the corresponding playlist position, preserving the playlist time schedule.
In the multi 1+N mode one redundancy/backup server can monitor several playout or encoding servers. In case of failure of any of them, the backup server will automatically continue the processing of the failed server.
Backup playout server is available for both manual playout mode and automated, watch folder playout mode. The 1+1 redundancy is possible for both manual and automated playout modes. The1+N mode is possible only in automated, watch folder playout mode.
Without a doubt the implementation of the redundancy support increases the reliability of our solutions. This new feature brings our products to a next level, opening new market opportunities.
Coming soon: More great features are already in development.
Stay tuned for our future updates and new releases.
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