TV GLOBO Network Brasilia chooses JONGATE’S JMultiviewer PRO solution for multi channel monitoring. The solution provides multi-view and monitoring of SDI, HDMI, Composite, Component, IP, HTTP, HLS, UDP, RTP, RTSP, RTMP allowing live automatic signal error detection, notification and logging.

JMultiViewer – Multiview Monitoring with Automatic Audio, Video and Signal Errors Detection, Error Loging and E-mail Notification
Sterling do Brazil – JONGATE’S dedicated partner for Latin America, had ensured the successful deployment and support throughout the entire testing period. “We want to thank our partner for Latin America Mr. Nestor Almeida and the entire team of Sterling do Brazil for their commitment and competence.” – said Mr. Tsviatko Jongov, Founder and CEO of JONGATE Broadcasting Solutions.
With its own ten television stations and 68 affiliated stations, TV GLOBO’s commitment to excellence is quite a challenge. The company needed powerful and intelligent multiviewer solution for video and audio preview and monitoring.
“We are thrilled to be able to help TV Globo in delivering first-class audience entertainment.” – shared Mr. Jongov. “Along with the standard mosaic video and audio preview, our multuviewer monitoring option supports automatic instant detection of black frames, freeze frames, noise, audio silence and signal loss. The solution also has instant error logging and e-mail notifications upon detecting any anomalies. The enhanced automatic error notifications ensure faster reaction in any problematic scenario. This way the JMultiviewer PRO solution also increases the overall quality of service of any given workflow. ”
Coming soon: More great features are already in development.
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